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Privacy Policy
We take your privacy very seriously!

Account Registration 

1.  You may access the Platform by registering to create an account ("Tastyeats Account") and become a member ("Membership"); or (c) you can also register to join by logging into your account with certain third party social networking sites ("SNS") (including, but not limited to, Facebook); each such account, a " Third Party Account", via our Platform, as described below. The Membership is limited for the purpose and are subject to the terms, and strictly not transferable. As part of the functionality of the Platform services, you may link your Tastyeats Account with Third Party Accounts, by either:

Vendors / Sellers associated or Registered with Tastyeats platform have to adhere to the following :

Tastyeats shall have all the rights to take necessary action and claim damages that may occur due to your involvement/participation in any way on your own or through group/s of people, intentionally or unintentionally in DoS/DDoS (Distributed Denial of Services), hacking, pen testing attempts without our prior consent or a mutual legal agreement.

Terms of service

No Endorsement